Unleash the leader that lies within, step into your soul purpose and start doing life + business on your own terms.

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I help women, like you, put an end to habits like people-pleasing and playing small, which are holding you back in creating an extraordinary life on your terms.

I help you to dream bigger, unapologetically express yourself and own your desires.

In addition, I help you shed years of fear, limiting beliefs and social conditioning so that you can finally step into your power as a woman, leader and queen.

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I have an idea why you’re here.

You’ve been having this nagging feeling inside that there’s something more to this life. You have an idea of the things that set your soul on fire and make you feel alive, but you haven’t been living the kind of life you would really love to be.

Let’s face it, life has felt stagnant lately. You’ve been in your comfort zone for a while and you’re starting to itch for growth. You’re getting restless and frustrated. You’ve tried everything you know how to do, but you’re not seeing progress.

You, my dear, are being called to level up! But old ways can’t open new doors and that’s why you’ve been feeling stuck.

Mindset shifts and embodiment practices are typically what’s needed to bridge the gap between who we are and who we want to be. The smallest shifts can make a huge difference in our results.

You have a achieved a certain level of growth, but you know there’s something missing that would take you further.

You long to break free from your comfort zone, and be bold and unapologetic in the way you show up in the world.

You see other successful women living their best life, making more money and experiencing more ease and you wonder what their secret is.


How do I know?

For the longest time, this was my story, too. A few short years ago, I was a burned out mental health therapist. I wasn’t happy with the way my life looked and knew that I was settling for far less than I deserved. I had tons of dreams and goals but I never imagined that they could come true for me. I didn’t know how to move forward and so I sat spinning my wheels and waiting for the answers to come.

I learned the hard way that no one was coming to save me. If I wanted to have a life that excited me and made use of my full potential, I knew that I had to make some serious changes.

I had to make the decision to create the life I had been dreaming of. Since then, I have been able to manifest it all - an online business, the love of my dreams, time freedom and travel. Most importantly, I am doing it all with a sense of ease that I never had in the past. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge, tools and wisdom along the way and became a coach to help support you along your journey.

Transformation is possible for you. I’m living proof that it’s possible for you to experience life as your very best self.

You want to live with passion and purpose, let your creativity and positive energy flow, express your truth & nurture loving and healthy relationships.

You understand that this journey will require you to be the fullest and highest version of yourself and you’re ready to embrace the challenge!

You believe that being emotionally, spiritually, mentally and financially empowered, would place you in the best possible position to create positive change for yourself, your loved ones and the world around you.

But you’re not sure where to start or you’re struggling with being consistent…

I can help you to:

Get unstuck and move forward powerfully

Burst through limiting beliefs and fears holding you back

Develop your unique leadership style

Get a clear action plan toward your vision

Stop playing small and tap into your true potential

Elevate your money mindset and wealth consciousness

Develop your entrepreneurial mindset and online service-based business

Overcome people-pleasing and perfectionism and start taking authentic and inspired action

Master your mindset and emotions

Connect with and strengthen your feminine energy and intuition

Balance your feminine and masculine energies

Develop your personal relationship with spirituality

Gain improved relationships

Raise your vibration and attract more abundance

Stop seeking permission from others to shine. You were born for this!


Connect with me on Instagram for daily inspiration